American Rescue Plan Includes Expansion of Affordable Care Act is back open for a special enrollment period, ending May 15th. Need health insurance? Millions of people qualify for affordable health insurance but don’t know it. See if you’re one of them – visit TODAY to find out how to #GetCovered.

The American Rescue Plan includes a historic expansion of the Affordable Healthcare Act that reduces the cost of health insurance for 9 million consumers current marketplace enrollees and could help 15 million uninsured people find affordable health insurance.

  • 4 out of 5 enrollees can find a plan for $10/month or less. And more than 50% can find a silver plan for $10/month or less.
  • Many premiums will decrease, on average, by $50 per person per month.
  • 1 out of 4 enrollees will be able to upgrade to a plan with lower out-of-pocket costs.
  • 48,000 uninsured American Indians and Alaska Natives will be newly eligible to save money on health care coverage and 21,000 will be eligible for zero-dollar benchmark Marketplace plans.
  • 730,000 uninsured Latinos will be newly eligible to save money on health care coverage and 580,000 will be eligible for zero-dollar benchmark Marketplace plans.
  • 360,000 uninsured Black and African Americans will be newly eligible to save money on health care coverage and 328,000 will be eligible for zero-dollar benchmark Marketplace plans.
  • 197,000 uninsured Asian, Native-Hawaiian and Pacific Islander will be newly eligible to save money on health care coverage, and 50,000 will be eligible for zero-dollar benchmark Marketplace plans.

New financial benefits will be available beginning on April 1st so encourage friends and family to return to to take advantage of more financial help, and change their plan if they want to. Visit to #GetCovered. 


Alexa Bryant

Development and Communications Coordinator

“She, Her, Hers”

Georgia Equality | Equality Foundation of Georgia


Georgia Small Businesses Pledge Support for LGBT-Inclusive Civil Rights

Georgia is one of only three states that has no laws barring employers from discriminating based on race or religion, and we’re one of only five states that do not prohibit this discrimination in public places like restaurants, shopping malls, doctor’s offices, and hotels. Because federal law does not prohibit discrimination against LGBT Americans, LGBT Georgians are at higher risk of  being wrongfully fired, evicted, and/or denied service. Only 11 municipalities in Georgia have passed a LGBTQ-inclusive nondiscrimination ordinance protecting individuals from this type of unfair treatment. That’s why small businesses are joining our coalition to help pass an LGBT-inclusive civil rights law. 

There are lists of LGBTQ-friendly companies, large and small, that are voicing their support for the LGBTQ community. This support has proven to be a more profitable approach for, as 64% of Americans are more likely to buy from LGBT-inclusive companies than not. These businesses are making an impact, but taking action is the true measure of a company’s commitment. This visible support is essential to moving us forward, but profiting off the work of the LGBTQ community without taking action towards their equality is wrong.

Small businesses are the backbone of our communities. Due to Covid 19, now more than ever, we must support our communities in whatever way we can. But when shopping locally, people are looking for businesses that support the people living within them. According to a new survey from Ogilvy, Nearly half of Americans and 64% of those who identify as LGBT allies say they are more likely to spend money with brands that are LGBT inclusive. We can never forget that our LGBTQ community includes women, people of color, folx with disabilities, immigrants, veterans, and so many others who need us to stand in solidarity for a stronger, more inclusive economy. So it is important, at this time, to understand that outwardly supporting LGBTQ is good for business. 

Outreach and support for the LGBTQ community is one important element, but the other element to address is hiring practices. We must ensure that businesses are addressing hiring bias and helping to eliminate workplace prejudice and employee discrimination. Hiring a person who is a part of the LGBTQ community should not be just another box. Representation matters, and hiring LGBTQ individuals into leadership, who are well qualified, reflects your commitment to supporting the LGBTQ community. Businesses that rally behind their LGBTQ employees create a safe workplace for employees, and encourage their employees to be visible and offer a better working environment than those who do not. This can be a simple transition. For many years, small businesses have been working to improve their brands and their internal practices on LGBTQ issues, by establishing inclusive policies, training staff on diversity and inclusion, investing in culture, benefits, and marketing to welcome LGBTQ customers and employees. 

LGBTQ inclusion is good for the economy and the community, and making this connection is a step towards making a case for non-discrimination protections and passing nondiscrimination laws. That is why small businesses are joining our coalition to pass an LGBT-inclusive civil rights law. If you are a small business owner or if you know a business owner and want an LGBT-inclusive civil rights law because you know discrimination hurts our communities and our economy. If you agree, sign up for the small business pledge.


DeMarcus Beckham

Southern Field Organizer, He, Him, His

Georgia Equality | Equality Foundation of Georgia

Virtual LGBTQ Lobby Day 2021

Welcome to LGBTQ Lobby Day 2021– virtual edition


Here’s how you can help:

Step 1: Get trained. DONE!

Step 2: Make your voice heard!


  • The Equality Act is up for a vote in the US Senate Judiciary Committee this week, and having passed the US House of Representatives on  2/25/21. Senator Ossoff has expressed support for this legislation, and sits on the Judiciary Committee. Call Sen. Ossoff now (202-224-3521)– thank him for his support of the Equality Act to this point, and encourage his continued support as a constituent.


  • Senate Bill (SB) 164, which makes progress towards reforming Georgia’s HIV criminal law, has passed the State Senate, and crossed over to the House where the bill had strong bi-partisan support last year. SEND YOUR EMAIL NOW




Step 3: Build the Movement!

  • Encourage your friends, family, and network to participate in Virtual Lobby Day too, by posting to social media, and sending emails!


Parents/Athletes Stand Up for Trans Kids

As a wave of anti-transgender legislation targeting children sweeps across the country, Georgia Equality has been hard at work trying to stop Trans Sports Bans at the Capitol. Our volunteers have shown up in force, making phone calls, sending text, and testifying at committee hearings. We asked several of our supporters to share what these bills mean to them and why they are fighting so hard for the rights of Trans kids. 

Heidi Miracle, Parent of Trans Child

As a mother to a transgender daughter and a cisgender daughter, I can confidently say that people’s fears that Trans girls take away anything from cisgender girls are unfounded. There is simply no proof.  While I understand where this fear comes from, the fear is not based in reality. We need to focus on the FACTS. Transgender athletes have been competing for decades and it has not harmed women’s sports or cisgender athletic opportunities.

What is the goal of SB 266? Is it to make the playing field more even? If that is the case, why not focus on proven ways to make things more fair? Transgender youth need to fit in, to be accepted. To force them to be on a team with a gender identity that does not match their own and against their will would be devastating for them.  If the bill’s goal is to take care of women and youth in sports, it must include Trans women because Trans girls ARE GIRLS. 

Kendall S., Rugby Player

I have always played against athletes who are bigger and stronger than I am; bodies are incredibly diverse between and across genders, and competitive advantages take many forms, from access to private coaching to Michael-Phelps-flipper-feet. This is not a zero-sum game. In fact, it is cultures of inclusion that hold the most promise for the growth and well-being of young athletes.

As a relatively small cisgender women’s rugby player who has played with trans players in competitive full-contact play, I am saying, “Not In My Name.”  Please, do not use me in your fight to prevent Trans students from participating on teams that align with their gender.

Nica Clark, Softball Player

Playing softball and rugby for several years during secondary school and college enriched my adolescence and young adulthood immeasurably.  Because of my love of sports and natural physique, I am regularly mistaken for a man while out in public. While this no longer phases me, as a pre-teen, teen, and young adult, I would have been incredibly and irreparably damaged if I were required to produce my birth certificate to prove I was assigned female at birth to defeat a challenge by a girl who felt she had been deprived of an opportunity because I, a cis-girl who existed outside of socially adopted gender norms, dared to occupy a space in this world.

Because Black female athletes tend to have more muscular definition than the accepted notion of what a female has, they would especially be affected by this bill. SB 266 should not pass because if made law, its application could cause psychological, emotional, and physical harm to the very people the bill intends to protect. 

Dawn Hardy, PFLAG Parent

These laws would harm the children of this community because the invasion of their privacy, humiliation, and fear would discourage not only Trans kids but any child wishing to just be a kid and play ball. Children’s sports should be about inclusion and community, not stigma and discrimination.  If our legislators truly care about women in sports, they should increase funding for girl’s athletics and require school districts to publicly report Title IX compliance metrics.

Politicians should get out of our bedrooms and children’s panties and start doing the hard work to return our country to its leadership role by creating jobs, ending racial and social disparity, and saving our planet. 


News: South Georgia Update

We’re in a time of change, both nationally and here in the state Georgia. Our country has welcomed a new president while our state legislature is convening, and considering the priorities that will set the tone of our state for the coming year. It’s a time fraught with uncertainty but also opportunity.

There is a growing progressive movement in Georgia. Discussions are being had around inequality and inequity, around race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity. There is an increase in the number of cities across the state adopting broad policies that protect LGBTQ people, promote diversity in city contracting and purchasing, and that create citywide campaigns for equity. Currently, 11 cities in Georgia have passed some form of a non-discrimination policy, including the city of Columbus. The counties of Augusta-Richmond, Macon-Bibb, and Athens-Clarke are in discussion and considering passing their own non-discrimination ordinance.

State governments across the nation, despite the Covid-19 pandemic, are hearing the demand for equal protections. In response, many local governments are creating programs and enforcing laws that would positively impact many underserved communities. These actions are encouraging, but the journey has just begun. Local LGBT communities across Georgia are preparing to push legislative agendas, and Pride events are expected to slowly make their way back in this Covid landscape.


LGBT Advocates out of Columbus are excited to kick off 2021 with a bang. “With a vaccine in almost every hand, or arm rather, we are now officially going back to Broadway starting March 2021 for our Diversity Saturdays,” stated Jeremy Hobbs, Executive Director of Colgay Pride, Columbus, GA.

Colgay Pride has announced that Pride festivities will be hosted on June 4th and 5th on Broadway in downtown Columbus. Hobbs stated that Covid-19 safety measures will be in full effect. Colgay Pride acquired multiple Street permits to ensure ample social distancing for vendors and crowds. They are excited to get back to work doing what we love promoting quality and building a better diverse Columbus that serves all.

Diversity Saturdays will take place the first Saturday of every month, and will be held alongside the city’s Saturday Market Day from 9:00 a.m. to noon. There will also be LGBT block parties held from 6:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m. on Broadway in downtown Columbus.

Also, leaders of Colgay Pride have taken steps, weekly, to promote Mental Health resources for those who are part of the LGBT community. There is a LGBT Zoom support group every Tuesday night. It is made available for anyone that wants to be a part of it. Members of the support group want to note that there is a maximum of 100 people that can be involved, so please plan accordingly. For more information, please be sure to visit Colgay Pride’s Facebook page.


Macon, GA

Last November, Macon-Bibb County’s former Mayor, Robert Reichert, vetoed the County Commission’s narrowly approved, broad new nondiscrimination policy that would further protect the LGBTQ community. LGBTQ advocates and allies in Macon have stated that they, “do not give up so easily”, and are looking to push towards an non-discrimination ordinance in the coming year.

Currently, those advocates are channeling their hopes and energy into educating their community about comprehensive civil rights protections. To address any concerned citizen, the Macon-Bibb CCR Committee is planning a countywide discussion on April 22nd and 23rd, 2021. This two-day discussion will be made up of four virtual panels highlighting how non-discrimination ordinances reference and affect local law, businesses, Religious Freedoms, and People of Color. Please follow the “Comprehensive Civil Rights Ordinance Macon” Facebook page for further updates.

Like many Pride and Equality festivals across the Gerorgia, The Macon Pride Board Committee is discussing the planning of an in-person Pride festival. Scott Mitchell, a lead coordinator of Macon Pride stated, “With the uncertain path of Covid relief, there are concerns about hosting large in-person Pride events in June”. Mitchell did note that the Macon Pride board is considering moving Macon Pride festivities to the Fall months allowing for more planning of safety measures. For more information, visit the Macon Pride Facebook page.





DeMarcus Beckham

Southern Field Organizer

He, Him, His

Georgia Equality | Equality Foundation of Georgia