The License to Discriminate is back.

Extremist state lawmakers have introduced Senate Bill 368 which would give adoption agencies — including taxpayer-funded ones — a license to discriminate against same-sex couples and LGBTQ youth.

This is unconscionable. Lawmakers are playing politics with the lives of the 12,000+ children waiting for loving homes in Georgia’s adoption and foster care system, all because some extremists want to discriminate against LGBTQ people.

We’ve stopped bills like this before, and we will do it again. Our best shot right now is to make sure SB 368 never gets out of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

Rush a message to your Senator right now urging them to reject SB 368.

If SB 368 passes, it’ll cause real damage. Research shows that same-sex couples are four times more likely than opposite-sex couples to be raising adopted children, and six times more likely to be raising foster children. Limiting LGBTQ Georgians’ ability to adopt will reduce the pool of available, loving homes.

Bottom line: We have to stop this bill now, or children, families and our state will suffer. Send a message to your lawmaker urging them to reject SB 368.