15 LGBTQ and Allied Organizations Call for Trans-Inclusive Bathroom Policy for Pickens County School District



15 LGBTQ and allied organizations (listed below) urged the Pickens County School District to develop a trans-inclusive bathroom policy. The group, led by Georgia Equality, is disappointed in the Pickens County Board of Education’s recent determination to suspend its decision to allow transgender students to use restrooms that align with their gender identity. The decision comes after a heated discussion during an open Town Hall held by the school board on Monday with hundreds of parents and community members in attendance. The discussion was centered around the reasons parents disagreed with the decision to allow transgender students the right to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity. The school board has reported death threats, threats of violence, and vandalism tied to this debate as the reason for the suspension of their initial decision to allow a trans affirming policy for bathroom use. We condemn these threats of violence and hatred.

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