ITLA: Atl City Council & Fulton Co. Commission Candidate Forum: August 27, 2017
LGBT Families: Opportunities to get involved!
We’ve got a couple of great opportunities coming up for LGBT families to get involved with, and have a good time. We’re also preparing to start some back to school activities and are interested in talking to LGBT families with adopted children, and those who serve as foster parents. If that sounds like your family, click here and tell us a little more about you! Continue reading
ACTION ALERT: Tell your Senators to oppose Trump’s Trans Military Ban
It has been several days since the President’s surprise tweets about the future of open transgender service in the US Military, and we still don’t know much about what exactly is going to happen. We know that in order to change the policy a few procedural things will have to happen first. We also know that a bipartisan group of US Senators have already spoken out against the President’s statements. Take a look at the list! Continue reading
ACA is the law of the land because of you!
It happened in the night, but hopefully you’ve heard the news by now! In the early hours of Friday, August 28th, the US Senate failed to pass an Affordable Care Act repeal bill meaning that hundreds of thousands of Georgians woke up to learn they get to keep the coverage they have through the ACA. Continue reading