CLICK HERE to read the original article on AJC.

By Aaron Gould Sheinin

The list of companies lined up opposed to “religious liberty” legislation in Georgia now includes a big bird.

Twitter, the social network platform favored by politicos and journalists the world wide, has signed on to Georgia Prospers, the coalition of companies organized to advocate for openness and inclusion for all.

The move comes as Gov. Nathan Deal and House Speaker David Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, have formed an alliance against religious liberty bills that many believe would allow for discrimination against Georgia’s LGBT community.

Twitter’s decision to join Georgia Prospers also follows hints from some businesses that they would abandon Georgia if House Bill 757 becomes law.

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From a Shield to a Weapon: How Georgia’s RFRA Bill Uses Religion as Justification for Harm Rev Cameron Trimble ~ Atlanta, GA
Twitter joins list of businesses opposed to ‘religious liberty’ bill March 1, 2016 Source: Atlanta Journal-Constitution

CLICK HERE to read the original article on AJC.

By Aaron Gould Sheinin

The list of companies lined up opposed to “religious liberty” legislation in Georgia now includes a big bird.

Twitter, the social network platform favored by politicos and journalists the world wide, has signed on to Georgia Prospers, the coalition of companies organized to advocate for openness and inclusion for all.

The move comes as Gov. Nathan Deal and House Speaker David Ralston, R-Blue Ridge, have formed an alliance against religious liberty bills that many believe would allow for discrimination against Georgia’s LGBT community.

Twitter’s decision to join Georgia Prospers also follows hints from some businesses that they would abandon Georgia if House Bill 757 becomes law.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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