Mark your calendar. Because on Tuesday, the House Judiciary Subcommittee is holding a hearing on the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

We only have a matter of days to make our elected leaders know that this bill could open the floodgates to discrimination in Georgia by giving individuals and businesses the ability to ignore any law—including non-discrimination laws—in the name of religious freedom.

And the message seems to be getting through. Because just yesterday, House Speaker David Ralston questioned if RFRA is needed at all and raised the same concerns we’ve been raising all along—that “closing the door to anyone is closing the door to all.”

Before, passing RFRA was seen as a done deal. But now, thanks to the hardwork supporters like you have put into this campaign, this misguided bill is hanging by a thread.

So with little time to spare, help us make sure RFRA is defeated once and for all before Tuesday’s critical committee hearing. Click here to tell your Representative to vote NO on a “license to discriminate” in Georgia.

Tuesday’s hearing is the most important we’ve faced yet. With only a little over a week left in the legislative session—what happens in committee will determine if we can stop this bill in time.

With statements like Speaker Ralston’s we know our continued pressure is working. But our opposition is hitting back hard, pulling out every dirty trick in the book to get this bill passed into law.

So help us push harder. Your elected leaders are waiting to hear from you before Tuesday’s committee hearing on RFRA. Click here to urge your Representative to oppose a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians.

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Pt 2: Women’s Rugby Coach Brings Lessons of Sportsmanship Off the Field into Real Life Dr. Rosalind Chou ~ Marietta, GA
RFRA is hanging by a thread March 20, 2015

hearingfacebookMark your calendar. Because on Tuesday, the House Judiciary Subcommittee is holding a hearing on the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA).

We only have a matter of days to make our elected leaders know that this bill could open the floodgates to discrimination in Georgia by giving individuals and businesses the ability to ignore any law—including non-discrimination laws—in the name of religious freedom.

And the message seems to be getting through. Because just yesterday, House Speaker David Ralston questioned if RFRA is needed at all and raised the same concerns we’ve been raising all along—that “closing the door to anyone is closing the door to all.”

Before, passing RFRA was seen as a done deal. But now, thanks to the hardwork supporters like you have put into this campaign, this misguided bill is hanging by a thread.

So with little time to spare, help us make sure RFRA is defeated once and for all before Tuesday’s critical committee hearing. Click here to tell your Representative to vote NO on a “license to discriminate” in Georgia.

Tuesday’s hearing is the most important we’ve faced yet. With only a little over a week left in the legislative session—what happens in committee will determine if we can stop this bill in time.

With statements like Speaker Ralston’s we know our continued pressure is working. But our opposition is hitting back hard, pulling out every dirty trick in the book to get this bill passed into law.

So help us push harder. Your elected leaders are waiting to hear from you before Tuesday’s committee hearing on RFRA. Click here to urge your Representative to oppose a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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