That was incredible.

Earlier today, we wrapped up a rally at the Georgia State Capitol, urging our elected leaders to vote NO on the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act—a bill that will allow individuals and businesses the ability to ignore any law, including non-discrimination laws, in the name of religious freedom.

Together, we demonstrated an incredible show of force when hundreds of fair-minded Georgians took to the streets to make our collective voices heard. Now, your elected leaders need to hear from you.

Click here to urge your Representative to vote no on the “license to discriminate” RFRA bill.

Last week, when we got word that House Speaker David Ralston was getting inundated with calls in support of a license to discriminate, our supporters took immediate action and flooded his office with calls urging him to oppose this mean-spirited and discriminatory bill.

And our pressure is working. Because now Speaker Ralston, who was formerly a strong supporter of the bill, has begun to question whether there is any reason to pass this “license to discriminate” bill at all.

Our elected leaders are wavering—and our movement is stronger than it’s ever been. Help us build on this momentum and defeat RFRA once and for all.

With just a few short weeks before the Georgia General Assembly adjourns, we need to make our voices loud and clear: the people of Georgia will not stand for discrimination. Click here to take action now.

Today, we showed our lawmakers that Georgians are united against this dangerous and discriminatory bill. Let’s keep pushing forward.

You can also take your action to the next level. Join us in Atlanta this Thursday for a phone bank to help mobilize Georgians to defeat RFRA. Click here to RSVP.

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Two Years After Obergefell, Their Family Is Still “Split Down the Middle” Beth & Krista
The pressure is working March 17, 2015

rallygraphicfbThat was incredible.

Earlier today, we wrapped up a rally at the Georgia State Capitol, urging our elected leaders to vote NO on the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act—a bill that will allow individuals and businesses the ability to ignore any law, including non-discrimination laws, in the name of religious freedom.

Together, we demonstrated an incredible show of force when hundreds of fair-minded Georgians took to the streets to make our collective voices heard. Now, your elected leaders need to hear from you.

Click here to urge your Representative to vote no on the “license to discriminate” RFRA bill.

Last week, when we got word that House Speaker David Ralston was getting inundated with calls in support of a license to discriminate, our supporters took immediate action and flooded his office with calls urging him to oppose this mean-spirited and discriminatory bill.

And our pressure is working. Because now Speaker Ralston, who was formerly a strong supporter of the bill, has begun to question whether there is any reason to pass this “license to discriminate” bill at all.

Our elected leaders are wavering—and our movement is stronger than it’s ever been. Help us build on this momentum and defeat RFRA once and for all.

With just a few short weeks before the Georgia General Assembly adjourns, we need to make our voices loud and clear: the people of Georgia will not stand for discrimination. Click here to take action now.

Today, we showed our lawmakers that Georgians are united against this dangerous and discriminatory bill. Let’s keep pushing forward.

You can also take your action to the next level. Join us in Atlanta this Thursday for a phone bank to help mobilize Georgians to defeat RFRA. Click here to RSVP.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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