BREAKING: The Senate has scheduled a vote on the anti-LGBT First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) for tomorrow at 10AM.

This harmful legislation would set our state back 30+ years, Claire—allowing tax-payer funded organizations to discriminate against LGBT Georgians and far beyond.

Be sure: FADA is nothing short of state-sanctioned discrimination. It cannot stand.

We’ve got less than 24 hours to make sure Georgia Senators know EXACTLY where their constituents stand on this issue. Click here to rush a message urging your lawmakers to reject this despicable legislation.

FADA was absolutely designed out of animus for the LGBT community—but it would claim countless other victims if it becomes law.

Here are just a few of the real harms that innocent Georgians could endure under the so-called First Amendment Defense Act:

  1. Workplace discrimination: Under FADA all business non-discrimination policies would be essentially voided—making it legal to discriminate in hiring and firing.
  2. Domestic violence centers: An unmarried, single mother fleeing an abusive relationship with her child could be turned away from critically needed DV centers under FADA.
  3. Homeless shelters: FADA could serve as an excuse to deny emergency housing to an unmarried couple and their children, with nowhere else to go.

If your Senator votes to advance the FADA tomorrow, potentially hundreds of thousandsof Georgians—including LGBT people, unmarried couples, women, racial minorities, religious minorities, people living with disabilities, etc.—could be caught in the line of fire.

Right now we have 24 hours to STOP this harmful legislation before it advances any further. This is a make or break it moment, Claire. We need to know we can count on you.

Your Senator is deciding right now how they’ll vote. Click here to rush a message to your Senator urging them to vote NO on FADA.


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Two Years After Obergefell, Their Family Is Still “Split Down the Middle” Beth & Krista
SCHEDULED: The Senate Will Vote on the Harmful First Amendment Defense Act First Thing Tomorrow February 18, 2016

BREAKING: The Senate has scheduled a vote on the anti-LGBT First Amendment Defense Act (FADA) for tomorrow at 10AM.

This harmful legislation would set our state back 30+ years, Claire—allowing tax-payer funded organizations to discriminate against LGBT Georgians and far beyond.

Be sure: FADA is nothing short of state-sanctioned discrimination. It cannot stand.

We’ve got less than 24 hours to make sure Georgia Senators know EXACTLY where their constituents stand on this issue. Click here to rush a message urging your lawmakers to reject this despicable legislation.

FADA was absolutely designed out of animus for the LGBT community—but it would claim countless other victims if it becomes law.

Here are just a few of the real harms that innocent Georgians could endure under the so-called First Amendment Defense Act:

  1. Workplace discrimination: Under FADA all business non-discrimination policies would be essentially voided—making it legal to discriminate in hiring and firing.
  2. Domestic violence centers: An unmarried, single mother fleeing an abusive relationship with her child could be turned away from critically needed DV centers under FADA.
  3. Homeless shelters: FADA could serve as an excuse to deny emergency housing to an unmarried couple and their children, with nowhere else to go.

If your Senator votes to advance the FADA tomorrow, potentially hundreds of thousandsof Georgians—including LGBT people, unmarried couples, women, racial minorities, religious minorities, people living with disabilities, etc.—could be caught in the line of fire.

Right now we have 24 hours to STOP this harmful legislation before it advances any further. This is a make or break it moment, Claire. We need to know we can count on you.

Your Senator is deciding right now how they’ll vote. Click here to rush a message to your Senator urging them to vote NO on FADA.


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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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