After the “license to discriminate” RFRA bill was introduced in the House last week, today a similar, mean-spirited bill was introduced in the Senate. Even more worrisome, it could be up for consideration by lawmakers at any moment.

Simply put: this bill is REALLY dangerous. As the language stands now, it would pave the way for business owners to refuse to provide services for people who are gay or transgender.

Your legislators need to hear from you now. Click here to contact members of the House and Senate and tell them that Georgia does not stand for discrimination.

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Let’s make one thing clear—this law is not about religious freedom, a right that is protected in both the state and federal constitution.

This bill’s real intent is to give individuals and businesses an excuse to ignore critically important laws including those meant to protect against domestic violence, child abuse, and discrimination.

Last year we were able to defeat this same “license to discriminate” law by making the case to our legislators that everyone should be held to the same standard and no one should be above the law, particularly laws meant to help the common good.  But with this troubling bill now making its way through both chambers of the General Assembly, we need to make our voices louder.  

Tell your legislators now: No one should use their religion as an excuse to discriminate against others. Vote “No” on the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act today.

Together, we can keep Georgia a welcoming and open place to live.

Thank you for all that you do.
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Passing RFRA will harm Georgia’s reputation and open the doors to discrimination Jonelle Shields McKenzie ~ Sandy Springs, GA
RFRA Bill Introduced in Georgia Senate February 18, 2015

It’s really happening.

After the “license to discriminate” RFRA bill was introduced in the House last week, today a similar, mean-spirited bill was introduced in the Senate. Even more worrisome, it could be up for consideration by lawmakers at any moment.

Simply put: this bill is REALLY dangerous. As the language stands now, it would pave the way for business owners to refuse to provide services for people who are gay or transgender.

Your legislators need to hear from you now. Click here to contact members of the House and Senate and tell them that Georgia does not stand for discrimination.

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Let’s make one thing clear—this law is not about religious freedom, a right that is protected in both the state and federal constitution.

This bill’s real intent is to give individuals and businesses an excuse to ignore critically important laws including those meant to protect against domestic violence, child abuse, and discrimination.

Last year we were able to defeat this same “license to discriminate” law by making the case to our legislators that everyone should be held to the same standard and no one should be above the law, particularly laws meant to help the common good.  But with this troubling bill now making its way through both chambers of the General Assembly, we need to make our voices louder.  

Tell your legislators now: No one should use their religion as an excuse to discriminate against others. Vote “No” on the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act today.

Together, we can keep Georgia a welcoming and open place to live.

Thank you for all that you do.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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