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Rep. Renitta Shannon Backs Bennett’s Project, Urging Statewide Support for Trans Youth October 31, 2017

Today, Rep. Renitta Shannon publicly declared her support for Bennett’s Project and urged Georgians across the state to show their support for transgender youth by writing their own letters. Her full letter is posted below: 

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Right now, anti-LGBTQ forces across the country are working hard to roll back protections for our community—including right here in Georgia.

That’s why I recently started speaking out publicly about my experiences as a black, bisexual woman. It’s also why, when I heard about Bennett’s effort to collect supportive notes for transgender youth, I knew I needed to use my voice to amplify his project.

Like Bennett, I’ve been disturbed by the untrue things said about transgender people. I’m especially troubled by efforts to weaken policies that protect transgender youth in the place they should feel the most safe—in school.

Transgender youth, like all of our young people, deserve to feel safe, loved and supported. You can help spread this message across Georgia by writing your own note of support to transgender youth with Bennett’s Project.

Recently, there was an attempt made in my hometown of Decatur to weaken school policies that protect transgender students from discrimination.

“Unfortunately, other communities across the state are facing pushback on these school policies [that protect transgender youth from discrimination]. And with national forces determined to roll them back, this fight could get bigger—fast.”

But the school board stood strong behind these protections and their transgender students because community members came to their defense. They testified publicly and submitted nearly a thousand letters of support for the district’s transgender-inclusive policies. That is the power of speaking out.

Unfortunately, other communities across the state are facing pushback on these school policies. And with national forces determined to roll them back, this fight could get bigger—fast.

That’s why I’m asking you to join me: Send a note with Bennett’s Project that lets transgender youth across Georgia know they are not alone, and that we are fighting for them.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself! bit.ly/2VTK7j3

About 5 years ago

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