This could be it—Our last chance to stop the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) once and for all.
The consequences are huge: If we don’t stop this bill, any person or business could ignore any law—including nondiscrimination laws against LGBT Georgians—under the guise of religious freedom.
With just a matter of days left before this legislative session adjourns, we absolutely must pull out all the stops if we’re going to defeat this bill in the House.
So on March 17th, we’re rallying at the Georgia State Capitol to show that the people of Georgia will not sit idly by as our elected leaders try to pass this “license to discriminate” bill into law.
Will you join us? Click here to say you’ll rally with us to stop the “license to discriminate” RFRA bill.

WHO: Concerned Georgians who stand against discrimination
WHAT: A rally to defeat RFRA once and for all
WHERE: Liberty Plaza at the Georgia State Capitol
               Capitol Ave SW
               Atlanta, GA 30334
WHEN: Tuesday, March 17th, Noon – 1:00 pm
Our opponents have been relentless—friend. They’ve flooded the Statehouse numerous times this year, urging Georgia lawmakers to walk down what would be a new dark chapter for our state.
So we need to be louder. We need to make our collective voices heard: The people of Georgia stand united in opposition to this discriminatory bill!
Join us next Tuesday, March 17th for a rally at Liberty Plaza at the Georgia State Capitol. Click here to RSVP.

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Feroza Syed is Ready to Start A Family—But Because She is Transgender, Discrimination May Stand in The Way Feroza Syed ~ Atlanta
Rally Against the “License to Discriminate” RFRA Bill! March 11, 2015

rallyfbThis could be it—Our last chance to stop the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA) once and for all.
The consequences are huge: If we don’t stop this bill, any person or business could ignore any law—including nondiscrimination laws against LGBT Georgians—under the guise of religious freedom.
With just a matter of days left before this legislative session adjourns, we absolutely must pull out all the stops if we’re going to defeat this bill in the House.
So on March 17th, we’re rallying at the Georgia State Capitol to show that the people of Georgia will not sit idly by as our elected leaders try to pass this “license to discriminate” bill into law.
Will you join us? Click here to say you’ll rally with us to stop the “license to discriminate” RFRA bill.

WHO: Concerned Georgians who stand against discrimination
WHAT: A rally to defeat RFRA once and for all
WHERE: Liberty Plaza at the Georgia State Capitol
               Capitol Ave SW
               Atlanta, GA 30334
WHEN: Tuesday, March 17th, Noon – 1:00 pm
Our opponents have been relentless—friend. They’ve flooded the Statehouse numerous times this year, urging Georgia lawmakers to walk down what would be a new dark chapter for our state.
So we need to be louder. We need to make our collective voices heard: The people of Georgia stand united in opposition to this discriminatory bill!
Join us next Tuesday, March 17th for a rally at Liberty Plaza at the Georgia State Capitol. Click here to RSVP.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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