Show that you oppose a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians—just click here to share our graphic on Facebook now.

There’s no doubt that RFRA would harm LGBT Georgians—but that’s not all. This misguided bill would open the floodgates for any person or business to ignore any law meant to protect all of us from discrimination.

RFRA would allow individuals and businesses to claim they have a religious right to ignore any law—including non-discrimination laws, child abuse laws and domestic violence laws—opening the floodgates to lengthy and expensive lawsuits from anyone claiming that they have a religious right to ignore municipal laws.

We have to stop this bill—and we have to stop it now.

Share our graphic on Facebook today and show that you are a Georgian who opposes a license to discriminate against LGBT people.

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Featured Voice

Chosen Family Is A Gift LGBT People Can Give Themselves This Holiday Season Rev. Kim Sorrells ~ Reconciling Ministries Network
Get the conversation started January 23, 2015

Wowit’s only been two days since we’ve launched, and already, our campaign to stop discrimination in Georgia is moving full steam ahead.

Thousands of Georgians have signed our petition because they know that discrimination isn’t a Georgia value, and that together we can build a campaign strong enough to stop the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act in its tracks.

But let’s be clear: Legislation that would allow individuals and businesses to use religious beliefs to discriminate against LGBT people has already been introduced—and the only way we’ll defeat it is if we continue to grow this campaign every single day.

Will you help get the conversation started with your friends now? Show that you oppose a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians—just click here to share our graphic on Facebook now.

There’s no doubt that RFRA would harm LGBT Georgians—but that’s not all. This misguided bill would open the floodgates for any person or business to ignore any law meant to protect all of us from discrimination.

RFRA would allow individuals and businesses to claim they have a religious right to ignore any law—including non-discrimination laws, child abuse laws and domestic violence laws—opening the floodgates to lengthy and expensive lawsuits from anyone claiming that they have a religious right to ignore municipal laws.

We have to stop this bill—and we have to stop it now.

Share our graphic on Facebook today and show that you are a Georgian who opposes a license to discriminate against LGBT people.

Twitter Icon@GeorgiaUnites

We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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