Georgia slip from #1 to #5 in CNBC’s rankings of America’s top States for Business — and that ranking was based in part on quality of life issues, specifically including non-discrimination protections for LGBT people. We know that protecting all Georgians from discrimination is the right thing to do — and good for our state’s economy.

If you’re committed to securing non-discrimination protections for all Georgians, check out our website for all the different ways you can get involved!

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Georgia Rabbi for LGBT Non-Discrimination: Everyone is entitled to the same freedoms Rabbi Peter Berg ~ Atlanta, GA
Federal Bill is Welcome Momentum — More Work Remains July 23, 2015

At Georgia Unites Against Discrimination, we’re glad to hear about a new federal LGBT equality bill that would protect people from discrimination nationwide — this bill brings needed attention to an issue that we’ve been highlighting here in Georgia.

But Congress isn’t going to make this bill a reality overnight — that’s why we must keep up the pressure on lawmakers in Georgia to pass a statewide non-discrimination bill protecting LGBT Georgians as soon as possible.

We know that no hardworking LGBT Georgian should have to wait a single day longer to be protected from discrimination. And we know that the longer we wait, the more opportunities are missed by Georgia businesses who are urging that these kinds of protections be placed into state law

Just last month we saw Georgia slip from #1 to #5 in CNBC’s rankings of America’s top States for Business — and that ranking was based in part on quality of life issues, specifically including non-discrimination protections for LGBT people. We know that protecting all Georgians from discrimination is the right thing to do — and good for our state’s economy.

If you’re committed to securing non-discrimination protections for all Georgians, check out our website for all the different ways you can get involved!

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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