After her termination, Connie consulted with employment lawyers but all told her the same thing: Because there are no explicit federal or statewide non-discrimination laws in Georgia that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity,, her firing was technically not illegal.

“I shouldn’t be terminated because I’m a lesbian. I’m just a hardworking individual.” –Connie Galloway, on being fired from her job of 31 years because she is gay

Connie’s story is, unfortunately, not rare. According to survey results included in a new report, Liberty & Justice in Georgia: Protecting Our Heritage & Growing Our Competitive Future, 45% of LGBT Georgians say they have been discriminated against or harassed at work over the last year. But a statewide civil rights law that protects LGBT Georgians from workplace discrimination could ensure that what happened to Connie never happens to anyone else.

Lawmakers can take concrete action right now to begin to address this kind discrimination by advancing HR 404, a bipartisan resolution that would create a study committee to consider the importance of LGBT protections. If a committee were created, it would give lawmakers the opportunity to hear other stories of discrimination, and learn first-hand why these protections are necessary.

However, there’s only two weeks left for lawmakers to advance this resolution, so they need to act fast. If you support advancing these protections, click here to urge your lawmakers to take action on HR 404 before March 31st.

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Transgender Father On Coming Out to His Daughter and Her Unbending Acceptance Gabe Pelz ~ Atlanta, Georgia
Connie Galloway: I Was Fired For Being Gay After 31 Years Of Dedicated Service—But In Georgia That’s Not Illegal April 11, 2017

For 31 years, Connie Galloway poured her heart and soul into working for a local community organization that served individuals with mental illness and substance abuse problems. The work was challenging, but rewarding—and Connie excelled at it, receiving numerous commendations from the board for her service.

So it was a shock to Connie when she was suddenly demoted. Why? Another coworker didn’t like the fact that Connie is gay and complained to the CEO, who ultimately terminated Connie, right before Christmas—just because of who she is.

Watch Connie’s full story:

After her termination, Connie consulted with employment lawyers but all told her the same thing: Because there are no explicit federal or statewide non-discrimination laws in Georgia that prohibit discrimination on the basis of sexual orientation or gender identity,, her firing was technically not illegal.

“I shouldn’t be terminated because I’m a lesbian. I’m just a hardworking individual.” –Connie Galloway, on being fired from her job of 31 years because she is gay

Connie’s story is, unfortunately, not rare. According to survey results included in a new report, Liberty & Justice in Georgia: Protecting Our Heritage & Growing Our Competitive Future, 45% of LGBT Georgians say they have been discriminated against or harassed at work over the last year. But a statewide civil rights law that protects LGBT Georgians from workplace discrimination could ensure that what happened to Connie never happens to anyone else.

Lawmakers can take concrete action right now to begin to address this kind discrimination by advancing HR 404, a bipartisan resolution that would create a study committee to consider the importance of LGBT protections. If a committee were created, it would give lawmakers the opportunity to hear other stories of discrimination, and learn first-hand why these protections are necessary.

However, there’s only two weeks left for lawmakers to advance this resolution, so they need to act fast. If you support advancing these protections, click here to urge your lawmakers to take action on HR 404 before March 31st.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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