Here we go: The so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act has officially been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, which means soon, Georgia lawmakers will consider and vote on this dangerous bill that would allow a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians.

We need to move fast to let the committee know that we oppose this bill. Will you contact your lawmakers and urge them to oppose the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which could open the doors to discrimination in Georgia? Click here to take action now.

Our opponents are rallying in support of this bill and it could begin to move forward at any point in the next week.

We must show a united force of opposition to this bill before it’s too late. Click the link below to tell your representatives now to vote “No” on RFRA:

Let’s show the state and the nation that Georgia doesn’t stand for discrimination.

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Georgia Rabbi for LGBT Non-Discrimination: Everyone is entitled to the same freedoms Rabbi Peter Berg ~ Atlanta, GA
It’s official: “license to discriminate” bill moves forward February 10, 2015

passcomfbHere we go: The so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act has officially been assigned to the House Judiciary Committee, which means soon, Georgia lawmakers will consider and vote on this dangerous bill that would allow a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians.

We need to move fast to let the committee know that we oppose this bill. Will you contact your lawmakers and urge them to oppose the Religious Freedom Restoration Act which could open the doors to discrimination in Georgia? Click here to take action now.

Our opponents are rallying in support of this bill and it could begin to move forward at any point in the next week.

We must show a united force of opposition to this bill before it’s too late. Click the link below to tell your representatives now to vote “No” on RFRA:

Let’s show the state and the nation that Georgia doesn’t stand for discrimination.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself!

About 5 years ago

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