On Monday, Representative Teasley will formally introduce HB 218, new language for the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)—a bill that could give individuals and businesses a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians under the guise of religious freedom.

There’s no doubt about it: Introduction of this broad and misguided bill is disappointing. And despite promises from the sponsors to address particularly troubling aspects of the bill, the version of the bill explicitly paves the way for widespread discrimination in Georgia.

Tell your legislators: Oppose this discriminatory bill! Click here to ask your state lawmakers to oppose RFRA today.

Last week, a coalition of Baptist clergy spoke out against RFRA at the State Capitol, affirming that this bill does nothing to protect religious liberty—and instead “should be called the religious discrimination bill.”

We couldn’t agree more. Simply put: there is nothing to gain—and a LOT to lose—if this mean-spirited bill advances. RFRA is bad for families, bad for our economy and a serious threat to the future growth of our state.

It’s time for our elected officials to hear us loud and clear: Georgians do not stand for discrimination. Click here to contact your legislators now and tell them to oppose this “license to discriminate” bill.

Last year, a bipartisan coalition of businesses, leaders, and LGBT groups defeated similar harmful legislation—and with your help, we’ll stop it this year too.

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From a Shield to a Weapon: How Georgia’s RFRA Bill Uses Religion as Justification for Harm Rev Cameron Trimble ~ Atlanta, GA
URGENT: “License to discriminate” bill coming to Georgia! February 4, 2015

billintro2fbOn Monday, Representative Teasley will formally introduce HB 218, new language for the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA)—a bill that could give individuals and businesses a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians under the guise of religious freedom.

There’s no doubt about it: Introduction of this broad and misguided bill is disappointing. And despite promises from the sponsors to address particularly troubling aspects of the bill, the version of the bill explicitly paves the way for widespread discrimination in Georgia.

Tell your legislators: Oppose this discriminatory bill! Click here to ask your state lawmakers to oppose RFRA today.

Last week, a coalition of Baptist clergy spoke out against RFRA at the State Capitol, affirming that this bill does nothing to protect religious liberty—and instead “should be called the religious discrimination bill.”

We couldn’t agree more. Simply put: there is nothing to gain—and a LOT to lose—if this mean-spirited bill advances. RFRA is bad for families, bad for our economy and a serious threat to the future growth of our state.

It’s time for our elected officials to hear us loud and clear: Georgians do not stand for discrimination. Click here to contact your legislators now and tell them to oppose this “license to discriminate” bill.

Last year, a bipartisan coalition of businesses, leaders, and LGBT groups defeated similar harmful legislation—and with your help, we’ll stop it this year too.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself! bit.ly/2VTK7j3

About 5 years ago

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