A deafening silence.

So far, thousands of Georgians have made their voice heard in opposition to the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act—a bill that could grant individuals and businesses a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians under the guise of religious beliefs.

But one key player in Georgia has been eerily silent: AT&T.

Does AT&T think its okay for healthcare providers to deny service to a lesbian couple with a newborn child? No? Then why aren’t they speaking out against this license to discriminate bill—when just several weeks ago, this same law was cited as an excuse to deny service to a lesbian couple and their newborn daughter.

AT&T has had long enough to weigh in. It’s time they speak out now. Click here to tweet at @ATT and urge them to publicly speak out against RFRA now!

Last year, we were able to defeat RFRA in the Senate—in large part because the business community spoke out about the serious economic consequences that would result if this bill was passed into law.

But now that the Senate passed the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act late last week, we’re running out of time for businesses to raise their voice before this bill becomes law.

Hundreds of Georgians have already emailed Ralph de la Vega, the CEO and President of AT&T Mobile, urging AT&T to take a public stand against RFRA. But every day that AT&T fails to speak up, their silence grows even more damaging.

Click here to tweet at AT&T if you agree that as a major employer in the state, they must speak out against this bill that could lead to discrimination against their own employees.

Want to take action but you don’t have Twitter? Click here to send an email message to Ralph de la Vega, the CEO and President of AT&T Mobile.

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Mother of a Transgender Child in Georgia: You Are As You Were Meant to Be Amanda Dewis & Family ~ Johns Creek
A deafening silence: AT&T has still not spoken out against the “license to discriminate” bill March 9, 2015

tweetfbA deafening silence.

So far, thousands of Georgians have made their voice heard in opposition to the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act—a bill that could grant individuals and businesses a “license to discriminate” against LGBT Georgians under the guise of religious beliefs.

But one key player in Georgia has been eerily silent: AT&T.

Does AT&T think its okay for healthcare providers to deny service to a lesbian couple with a newborn child? No? Then why aren’t they speaking out against this license to discriminate bill—when just several weeks ago, this same law was cited as an excuse to deny service to a lesbian couple and their newborn daughter.

AT&T has had long enough to weigh in. It’s time they speak out now. Click here to tweet at @ATT and urge them to publicly speak out against RFRA now!

Last year, we were able to defeat RFRA in the Senate—in large part because the business community spoke out about the serious economic consequences that would result if this bill was passed into law.

But now that the Senate passed the so-called Religious Freedom Restoration Act late last week, we’re running out of time for businesses to raise their voice before this bill becomes law.

Hundreds of Georgians have already emailed Ralph de la Vega, the CEO and President of AT&T Mobile, urging AT&T to take a public stand against RFRA. But every day that AT&T fails to speak up, their silence grows even more damaging.

Click here to tweet at AT&T if you agree that as a major employer in the state, they must speak out against this bill that could lead to discrimination against their own employees.

Want to take action but you don’t have Twitter? Click here to send an email message to Ralph de la Vega, the CEO and President of AT&T Mobile.

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We were so grateful to be able to profile Rachel last year. Her story is inspiring and it's sad to see her treated unfairly. Thank you Rachel for standing up for yourself! bit.ly/2VTK7j3

About 5 years ago

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