WOW, we did it!
That’s right. For another year at least, we can state with confidence that this harmful legislation will not grant individuals and businesses a license to discriminate under the guise of religious beliefs.
This is a victory, to be sure. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Since RFRA passed the state Senate this year, the bill still remains active and can move forward when lawmakers are back in session next year.
What’s more, since Georgia remains one of only a handful of states without a civil rights statute, LGBT Georgians still remain woefully unprotected against discrimination under the laws of our state.
That’s why we need you to contact your elected leaders, one last time for this session, and let them know we aren’t going away: no RFRA next year—and advance non-discrimination protections for LGBT Georgians! Click here to take action now.On the cusp of this victory, in no short order, we owe thanks where is due. To you. Because without supporters like you who emailed and called your lawmakers and rallied with us at the Statehouse, this victory—our victory—would all be but a dream.
But since RFRA is still active in the legislature, and we have no statewide civil rights law, today can’t be the end. We must remain vigilant—and let lawmakers know we’ll be back next year.
Then, I hope you’ll take some time to soak in the glory of this well deserved victory. We did it… We stopped RFRA in 2015!Thank you for all that you have done to keep Georgia an open and welcoming state for all.