Ending the HIV Epidemic Fellowship Program Proves to be a Success


The end of April concludes Georgia Equality’s Ending the HIV Epidemic Fellowship program, which all culminated in the Fellows’ final event: “Ending Metro Atlanta’s HIV Epidemic” at the Loudermilk Conference Center last Friday. In a crowd of some the most influential elected officials and public health leaders in Metro-Atlanta, the Fellows shared their journeys toward working in ending the HIV epidemic, why it is important to them, what policies our leaders can enact to expedite the epidemic’s end, as well as what lies ahead for the Fellows as individuals.

Guest speakers included Fulton County Commissioner Chair Robb Pitts, and Georgia Representative Jasmine Clark, who concluded the program with a motivational keynote speech. A recording of the event can be found on Georgia Equality’s Facebook, here.

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Evening for Equality is Back

We’ve got great news– Evening for Equality is back in person this year!

Mark your calendars for Saturday, June 18th, 2022 @7:00pm, with a preceding Host Committee and Sponsors  reception at 6:00pm. Make plans to join us in celebrating all the progress we’ve made toward LGBTQ equality in Georgia over the past year, and help us resource the fight for the progress we’ve yet to win.



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Early Voting is Happening NOW!

Early voting for the 2022 Georgia Primary and Nonpartisan election is happening now, and we want you to be prepared to cast your vote before or on election day. Things have changed in Georgia since the last election cycle and it is vital that you understand how these changes may affect you.  Below is a checklist to ensure that you are ready to make your voice heard in this upcoming election. 

  1. Check your voter registration information and status at www.mvp.sos.ga.gov
  2. District lines have changed, potentially affecting who and what you vote for. Visit www.mvp.sos.ga.gov to verify your district and polling location. 
  3. If voting using an absentee ballot by mail, we suggest mailing it no later than Wednesday, May 18, 2022. 
  4. Make a plan for when and how you will vote

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Join our Equality and Fairness for All Americans Coalition

The time is now! Continue with us on the path towards equality and fairness for all by joining our Equality and Fairness for All Americans Coalition.


On Monday, May 2, 2022, a draft Supreme Court opinion leaked, confirming the court is considering striking down Roe v. Wade, a longstanding ruling protecting abortion and privacy rights in this country. Two days later, on Wednesday, May 4, 2022, the Georgia High School Association voted to change their policy regarding the gender of participants in school sports, participation now restricted only to the sex listed on a birth certificate.

In just one week, we have seen the right to a safe and private medical procedure be brought into question, and a vote to restrict the access of transgender students in school sports. The liberty and safety of so many citizens is at stake and the window of opportunity for us to create the political will to push through a bi-partisan bill extending federal civil rights nondiscrimination protections is closing quickly. Use the link below to join the coalition and indicate whether you are a Business leader , Faith leader, Elected Official or Individual.


The Equality and Fairness for All Americans framework would be the largest advancement of civil rights in a generation, but we can’t do this alone – we need you to join us. 

The EQFFAA coalition believes there is a once in a decade opportunity to pass landmark legislation in advance of the midterm elections to bring federal civil rights non-discrimination protections to millions of Americans in employment, education, housing, credit, jury service, and public accommodations. This will bring immediate relief to millions of Americans who live in fear of discrimination and have no legal recourse.

As a leader in our community, we need your help today to pass legislation that will fundamentally change lives for generations to come. 

Join our coalition today by signing the Equality and Fairness for All Americans pledge & help us spread the word by sharing this in your networks

Press Release: GE responds to GHSA vote to change policy on gender



May 4, 2022 (Atlanta, GA) — This morning the Georgia High School Association Executive Committee voted to change their policy regarding the gender of participants in school sports being restricted only to the sex listed on a birth certificate.

Jeff Graham (he/him), executive director of Georgia Equality, Georgia’s largest LGBTQ+ advocacy group, released the following statement in response:

“Quite frankly, the secretive and hasty process by which this was done is despicable. All Georgia students should have equal access to school sports, and efforts to change policies that facilitate that should be done in a transparent and open way. Today’s actions of the GHSA Executive Committee will do real harm to trans kids in Georgia that just want to be themselves and fit in. 

“At no point during the general assembly’s debate of bills that would have had a similarly devastating impact, were the supporters of this change able to present a single example of how allowing transgender students to participate in athletes harmed other students in Georgia. In fact, the legislation that did pass called for a commission to study this issue and recommend action if appropriate.  It is disturbing that this body would act in a rash manner without careful consideration of the implications of this policy change on the well-being of all students or without the thoughtful study that such a complicated and sensitive issue warrants. 

Chanel Haley (she/her), Gender Policy Manager at Georgia Equality said this:

“Unfortunately the GHSA has decided to ignore case precedent by favoring certain students and parents over others.  The decision is discriminatory and divisive. Now because our state policymakers have failed ALL students, we need to look to our federal policymakers to intervene in securing protections and inclusion for ALL student athletes.”

Founded in 1995, Georgia Equality is the state’s largest advocacy organization working to advance fairness, safety and opportunity for Georgia’s lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender communities, and our allies.