Georgia Equality Announces Primary Endorsements for State House and Senate Elections

Georgia Equality proudly endorses the following pro-equality candidates in the May 24, 2016 primary election.  It is not implied that candidates who did not receive an endorsement are anti-LGBT,  but that those who were endorsed are in the best position to advance LGBT issues in the offices they seek.

Additional endorsements will be released prior to the start of early voting on May 2, 2016.

Read more about the endorsed candidates here…

Georgia Equality Endorses Stacey Abrams for Governor of Georgia

Atlanta, GA – April 18, 2018 – The board of Georgia Equality is proud to announce its endorsement in this year’s democratic primary for Governor of Georgia. To come to a decision, the board undertook an extensive process of reviewing surveys and holding interviews with each of the two candidates. Ultimately, the decision to endorse in this race was made with great care, as our organization has developed strong and meaningful relationships with both Stacey Abrams and Stacey Evans over the years. LGBTQ equality is a cause that we know from experience is important to both of these two women. Continue reading

Georgia Senate advance FADA

The Senate Rules Committee advanced the so-called First Amendment Defense Act (FADA). Now, this mean-spirited bill aiming to write discrimination against same-sex couples into Georgia law moves to the Senate floor, where it could be voted on at any moment.

Media Coverage –


There’s no time to waste. Tell your Senator: No more. Reject the First Amendment Defense Act and end the onslaught of attacks on LGBT Georgians.

GE Endorsed Candidate Wins!

Did you hear the news?

Yesterday, the voters in State House District 80 (Brookhaven) overwhelmingly elected Taylor Bennett to serve as their next Representative in the State House.

Georgia Equality is proud to have endorsed Taylor early in this race and so pleased to know that there is one more pro-equality voice in the State House.

Taylor’s winning campaign proves that the targeted and strategic voter outreach work undertaken by Georgia Equality and our partners can and DOES work. More importantly, we are in a time now when candidates who make LGBT equality a centerpiece of their campaigns can win elections in Georgia and win by a significant margin.

Georgia Equality staff and volunteers are so pleased to have been able to support Taylor in this race and look forward to working with him in the coming years.

As we continue to fight for full lived equality for LGBT Georgians, the ability to help elect candidates like Taylor Bennett is crucial. Consider a making donation to Georgia Equality today and stand with us as we get ready for the 2016 Legislative session ahead and continue to our work for LGBT equality under the law in Georgia