EXCITING UPDATE! After years of political posturing and inactio
n, Georgia leaders are finally looking at solutions to close the coverage gap and provide health insurance to nearly 300,000 low-income Georgians. On November 15th, a Senate Study Committee will meet to explore options. We need to make sure those legislators hear from YOU to recognize how important this issue is and that you appreciate their willingness to explore solutions. Here’s how you can help:
1) Send a positive note to these Senators (even better if you are a constituent in one of these districts!) to recognize what an important issue this is to you and encourage them to take action to close the coverage gap.
a. Sen. Charlie Bethel, Dalton (SD-54) email hidden; JavaScript is required
b. Sen. Michael Rhett, Marietta (SD-33) email hidden; JavaScript is required
c. Sen. Judson Hill, Marietta (SD-32) email hidden; JavaScript is required
d. Sen. Lester Jackson, Savannah (SD-2) email hidden; JavaScript is required
e. Sen. David Shafer, Duluth (SD-48) email hidden; JavaScript is required
f. Sen. Renee Unterman, Buford (SD-45) email hidden; JavaScript is required
2) Interested in joining us on Nov. 15th to show support and participate in a post-hearing press event? Reach out to Whitney Griggs at Georgians for a Healthy Future, email hidden; JavaScript is required.
3) Learn more about closing Georgia’s coverage gap and get more involved here.