Georgia Equality Endorses Cathy Woolard for Mayor of Atlanta

The Board of Directors of Georgia Equality is pleased to endorse former Atlanta City Council President Cathy Woolard in her pursuit to become the next Mayor of Atlanta.

Cathy has a long history of advocating for and enacting LGBT inclusive policies in Atlanta and around Georgia, including fighting for domestic partner benefits and marriage rights, parental rights and the state’s only comprehensive human rights municipal ordinance that passed in 1999. She has shown a serious commitment to issues such as affordable housing, equity and inclusion, and addressing HIV policy that helps to secure the lived equality that matters most to the LGBT community in Georgia. Cathy has also worked hard for other social justice issues in Atlanta including her work with CARE, League of Conservation Voters and Planned Parenthood. Continue reading

Georgia Equality Responds to Trump’s Tweets on Transgender Military Service

For Immediate Release

We were shocked and disturbed to see today’s tweets from President Trump regarding the service of transgender individuals in our armed forces. The US military is the largest employer of transgender people in the world, employing an estimated 15,000 transgender people. Coming from a President that ran on the promise of creating jobs, making a move to strip jobs from 15,000 americans shows the President’s true feeling toward LGBTQ people. Continue reading

Georgia Equality’s Cocktails for Equality in Augusta

Georgia Equality and local Augusta partners hosted the Augusta Cocktails for Equality Reception & Benefit at the Partridge Inn where we met with community member and local elected officials.

As part of the evening, guests and friends mourned the shocking loss of Rowan Feldhaus, a Georgia Equality board member and remembered him as fearless advocate for LGBT rights.  Continue reading

In the Black: The Trump Budget, Black Communities, and the HIV Epidemic

A Community Roundtable 

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President Donald Trump’s Fiscal Year 2018 budget proposal includes severe cuts to many HIV and related programs.

  • $59 million cut to Ryan White Programs
  • Elimination of AIDS Education and Training Centers (AETC)
  • Elimination of Special Programs of National Significance (SPNS)
  • A nearly 20% cut to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)’s, HIV prevention programs.
  • An unprecedented $630 million cap on Medicaid spending
  • $26 million cut from HUD’s Housing Opportunities for People with AIDS (HOPWA) program
  • Elimination of the Minority AIDS Initiative fund

These cuts will weaken our state’s already fragile social safety net and  have catastrophic consequences for Georgians living with HIV. Communities already disproportionately impacted by HIV,  particularly African-Americans, will be particularly vulnerable. We must respond.

Join Georgia Equality, Counter Narrative Project, Lambda Legal, THRIVE SS and other community leaders and organizations for a community roundtable on the following topics:

– Updates on the current impact of HIV on metropolitical Atlanta and Georgia communities.

– Overview of proposed budget cuts to Ryan White, CDC and HOPWA and how this will impact services going forward

– Information on Medicaid block grants and AHCA

Event Information 

Tuesday June 13th


Phillip Rush Center Annex

328 Mell Avenue Suite B

Atlanta, GA 30307

if you have questions contact: