October: LGBT History Month

According to atlantapride.org, Pride is an event to commemorate the Stonewall Uprising of 1969. The Georgia Gay Liberation Front held its first gay pride parade march in June of 1971. For almost 50 years, the Atlanta LGBT and allied communities have marched from Peachtree Street to Piedmont Park in celebration of our beauty, and in protest. In the month of June, many cities across the globe sill celebrate pride, but now the city of Atlanta has chosen to celebrate in October. It was in the October of 1994 that a coalition of education-based organizations designated the 11th month of the year as a time to raise awareness of our long history and to shine a light on our success.

Due to COVID-19, most of this year’s Pride gatherings have been canceled. However, many events have transitioned to online in their place. Atlanta Pride will be hosting a virtual celebration from October 9th-11th; click here for more information. This change, though, does give us an opportunity to reflect and to dive deeper into understanding our history and the progress we have made.

In 2020, it can now be said that we have gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender government officials. No longer will a person who chooses to serve in our nation’s military need to hide their identity or sexual orientation. We are dominating Hollywood with historic magazine covers, and with accurate TV depictions of same-sex relationships and transgender awareness. We have marriage equality and significant gains regarding protections in the workplace. Pride is a time to celebrate all of this and more.

Last year we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Stonewall. From the ashes of this inflamed revolt came the gay liberation movement. The gay liberation movement can be attributed to our advancement towards equal rights and protections under the law. In 1970, on the first anniversary of Stonewall, the inaugural pride parades were held in New York City, Los Angeles, and San Francisco. These Pride events offered a sense of community, and a sense of safety for self-expression. But just like the Civil Rights Movement’s March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, and the Women’s Rights Movement’s Seneca Falls Conference, several preamble events led to the Stonewall uprising.

Before Stonewall, there was the founding of the Daughters of Bilitis , the Mattachine Society, the sit-in protest at Julius in the West Village of New York, the Annual Reminders in Philadelphia, and the sit-ins at the Compton’s Cafeteria and The Black Cat Tavern.

One of the first recorded gay organizations was established in 1897 in Berlin by Magnus Hirschfeld. Many of these pivotal moments in the movement were started by sex workers, drag performers, transgender identifying people, and many others who were wrongfully marginalized in the corners of society. The organization of these marginalized individuals challenged the gender norms and traditional societal principles of the times.  It is on the backs of these individuals that our freedoms and new protections lie. We honor their legacy by annually creating space in celebration of their courage and their determination.

Though there may not be a physical Pride event this year, we are still able to recognize our achievements and acknowledge those who came before us. The LGBT community has a vast history that both transcends and maintains roots in race, religion, class, and regional cultural traditions. Pride is about understanding who we are, expressing ourselves, and embracing our voice. We are far from true equality. The fight for trans inclusivity rages on; stronger protections in the workplace, in housing, and in public accommodations are needed. But as we look forward, we shall never forget how our movement began and why we still celebrate.

2020 General Election Voter Registration: October 5th!

Voting is the best way to make our voices heard. Voting is an opportunity for you to speak up about issues that affect your communities, and to support those who may not have the privilege to vote. This Election is about more than the Presidency. It is about State Legislators and County Officials that decide what our kids learn in school, which neighborhoods get infrastructure updates, and how police are disciplined. Your voice is important, your needs matter. We need you to exercise your power in the upcoming elections by doing these four things for us today:

  1. Register to vote HERE.
  2. Check your voter registration status HERE.
  3. Make sure you have the most recent information on your voter registration page.
  4. Plan for when and how you will vote.

This election is critical to the future of our state and the future of this nation.

Quickly — take two minutes and check your registration status now.


Key Election Dates:

Absentee Ballots will begin sending on: September 15, 2020


Deadline to Register to vote: October 5, 2020

Advance In-Person (Early) Voting begins: October 12, 2020

State-wide Saturday voting: October 24, 2020

Election Day: November 3, 2020

OUT: The National Cancer Survey

On September 17th, the National LGBT Cancer Network launched OUT: The National Cancer Survey. This survey is designed for LGBTQ+ cancer survivors. Currently, there is a huge gap in what we know about the experiences of LGBQT+ survivors. The information gathered from this project will help to change cancer care for our communities. We are reaching out to key community partners in hopes that they will consider sharing information about the survey with friends, loved ones, and other community members.


 To participate in the survey or to learn more, click HERE.


The National LGBT Cancer Network aims to recruit a minimum of 1000 participants. The findings from the survey will be shared with participants and partners in 2021.

It is planned for the survey to close on December 31, 2020.

To be eligible for the survey, participants must be 18 years or older, received a cancer diagnosis in the past, and currently live in the U.S.

We can only advocate for change when we have the data to show why it is needed. Right now, we know little about how LGBTQI+ navigate cancer care and survivorship. Through this survey, LGBTQI+ cancer survivors can share their own experiences and help create more welcoming and safe environments for our communities.

Only You Can Save Healthcare.gov – Submit Your Comment Today!

For the last year and a half, Georgia Equality has been advocating around the Governor’s Healthcare Waivers. While waivers have the potential to improve our health system and expand access to healthcare for hundreds of thousands of Georgians, too often the Governor’s plan has been insufficient to meet Georgia’s needs, and in some cases have been downright harmful. Through our participation in public comments, we have ensured that Georgia Insurance Plans will continue to cover the 10 Essential Benefits, saved the requirement that Mental Healthcare copays and premiums cost the same as other comparable health services, and protected the right of eligible Georgians to receive government subsidies to purchase health insurance.

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It’s Time! Census 2020: Deadline September 30th

The new census deadline is quickly approaching, leaving us just one month to secure an accurate count of our community. Every 10 years, the federal government tries to count every person living in the United States. This count directly affects you and our democracy. But many marginalized communities go under counted  or not counted at all . Transgender and queer folx, LGB communities,  black people and other people of color, people in  rural areas, immigrants, people experiencing homelessness, people who have low incomes, renters, people with young children, and people with limited English proficiency , have been historically under counted, shifting federal resources away from the communities that rely on them the most.  Continue reading