Take Action

Take Action

Action Alerts

Georgia Equality monitors legislation and policy affecting LGBT Georgians year-round.  We will keep you informed on breaking news and let you know when your legislators need to hear from you. Whether it is sending an email, making a phone call, or meeting face-to-face, direct communication with your elected officials is critical to winning equality in our home state.

Action Alerts are often critical and very time sensitive (ie. a bill is about to be voted on) – the best way to stay up-to-date on actions you can take to win equality in Georgia is to Sign Up for Receive E-mails from us.  You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter to receive breaking news on what’s going on and how you can get involved.

Contact Your Elected Officials

Communicating with your lawmakers is the most effective way to create change! Let them know that you live in their district and start to build a relationship with them. Your personal story is the most convincing tool we have to affect the hearts and minds of legislators. Gay or straight, married or single, parent or student, Democrat or Republican – your story will make a difference!

When contacting your legislator, start with the basics:

  • where you live and work, and how long you’ve been there;
  • organizations or groups you are involved with, and connections to your community;
  • if you are part of a faith community;
  • your family: children, parents, siblings, etc.
  • issues you care about or are concerned about

You should talk about the ups-and-downs of life: the joy of raising a child, the loss or illness of a partner, meeting or falling in love with your partner, the need to protect your child or family from harm, and everyday life as an LGBT Georgian, parent, sibling, or friend. Talk about how you are affected – directly or indirectly – by the lack of security, dignity, and protections for LGBT Georgians.

Meet your legislators or candidates for coffee, stop by their office, attend their weekend forum, call, email, or write to them and tell your story. Let your legislator or candidates know you support equality and fairness for all Georgians!

Find Your Elected Officials