Councilwoman Stephe Koontz
Election night has consumed the news this week, but we want to make sure you heard the exciting news — on Monday night, the City of Doraville became Georgia’s second municipality to pass a comprehensive nondiscrimination ordinance to protect LGBTQ people.
We couldn’t be more proud of or grateful for Councilwoman Stephe Koontz’s work to pass this ordinance. Not only does it put Doraville solidly on the map as a community that values diversity and inclusion, it sets a new standard for smaller municipalities in Georgia – letting them know that they can pass the same type of protections that residents of the City of Atlanta have enjoyed for nearly two decades. Her efforts, along with those of Councilman Joseph Geierman, to build bipartisan support for this policy prove the importance of having out LGBTQ elected officials at all levels of government. Which is one of the many reasons we’re celebrating the election of Georgia’s two newest openly gay officials — Matt Wilson to the State House of Representatives and Ben Ku to the Gwinnett County Board of Commissioners. If we can learn anything from Doraville, it’s that representation matters. Electing openly LGBTQ people to office matters. We’re excited to get to work will all of the pro-equality candidates that won their elections on Nov 6th!
You can read more Doraville coverage in Project Q here.